Sunday, 26 February 2017

THE MAC LAB: Moral, Academic & Career Success Program for Students


The MAC LAB is an initiative of Living Purpose School to enhance the academic, moral and career (MAC) success of students.

The MAC LAB contains of series of programmes designed to help students to develop their moral character, excel in their academics and enjoy a successful career life.

The MAC LAB runs the following programs geared towards enhancing the moral, academic and career success of students.

·       Moral Excellence Program
·       Academic Success Planning Program
·       Career Planning Program
·       International Conference for All Students in Africa( ICASA)

The maiden program to run alongside the book (7 Habits of Highly Successful Students) is the Academic Success Planning Program.


To enhance the moral, academic and career success of students.


To build strategic alliance with corporate institutions and NGO’s to run the MAC LAB Programs in the junior high, senior high and tertiary institutions in Ghana.


·       Motivate students to learn through actionable high value contents.
·       Educate students on innovative learning strategies.
·    Teach students to develop successful habits crucial for their academic. and career success.
·       Coach students about their future career and starting their career life.

Guide students to find their life purpose, maximize their potentials and achieve their visions and dreams for life.

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