In a world of hard
economic conditions, terrible news of death, misfortunes and enormous failure
parading every nuke and cranny of human endeavor, how can a person succeed and
thrive without a greater force propelling him or her to keep moving despite the
Life is hard. It’s a
truth we all know about. It’s not easy. It’s difficult. You can never get
anything worthwhile in life without going through a hard time or overcoming
some challenges. And this is where passion comes!
An ex-military personnel
once hard an okro farm! He worked very hard in the planting process and did the
necessary things to make his okro farm successful. Once everything was doing
well, he decided to check on his family in the city for some three days and
return back to the farm.
When he returned to his
farm on the third day, he saw something unusual. The crops have been attacked
by a disease. It was really shocking!
Amazed at what
happened, he exclaimed, “ What a shock!”
So he was being asked, “Soldier, how is the farm?”.
“I’m on
it. Nothing good comes easy!” He responded.
He never gave up. He
investigated and bought the best agro-chemical to fight and overcome the
disease attacking his crops.
Guess what? He won!
The crops did very well
and he made a lot of money in that season!
What kept him going
despite the challenges? What kept him working despite the tough times? What
motivated him to overcome all odds and win? His
passion to have a great harvest!
Passion is the driving force of life! Passion
is the energy that sustains life. We get energy from the food we eat, but it is
the energy derived from passion that gives us the ability to keep going even
though things are tough!
But you do you know?
It’s really wonderfully
when you study the root meaning of passion. The English word passion comes from
the Latin word, “passio” which means, “to suffer or to endure”.
Passion is that strong feeling, an intense
emotion, a compelling enthusiasm that we have about something or someone that
causes and makes us to suffer and go through all the shame to get what we want.
Sarah Robbins, the
leading Network Marketing Consultant said, “ When
you know WHO you are, and WHERE you are going and WHY you are doing what you do—you
have the vision to succeed and the passion to proceed daily, regardless of the
situation or circumstance.”
proceeds from a clear understanding from your personal identity, your vision
and your purpose. If you don’t know your purpose, you will not get the needed
energy to urge you to keep moving on.
The Scripture says, “Where there’s no vision, the people perish”
(Proverbs 29. 18). Passion comes from vision, and vision comes from mission. So
when you have a clear understanding of whom you are and where you are going as
an individual or a team, nothing can stop you!
Passion will make you
Sarah Robins declared
again, “You see, since we started our
business 6 yrs again (we call it marketplace ministry) we’ve encountered trials, tests, and even terrible tragedy during this time. But because we know
our purpose, and our passion, we have become unstoppable”.
is the key to success! To be success at something, you have to do it over a
sustained period of time with high level energy. Due to the challenges of life,
if you don’t have the passion produced by a clear understanding of your
personal identity, purpose and vision, you can’t make it!
So then the first step
to living a fulfilled life and having fulfilled work is to find the purpose of
your life, your vision, who you are, your potentials, your passion and the
career plan for your life. After that then you can build your career and
business life around your purpose and passion.
strongly recommend enrolling in the 3 Months
Passion-to-Profits Business Coaching Program. Through this coaching program,
you will find your passion and turn your passion into a profitable business and
career life! You can check out the program here!
Thanks a Million!
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