The Power of Purpose
I promise to take you
through the Life Purpose Series in the next thirty days to help you to our find
your life purpose, maximize your potentials and to live the life of your
The key to your life is
your Life Purpose: the reason for your being on this earth!
To become and lead a
successful life, you must first of all find your life purpose and focus all
your energies on making an impact with your life. You must understand the power
of purpose! Your purpose is what will give you the edge in your life!
So today, let’s look at
the seven things that understanding and finding your life purpose can do and
bring to your life!
Purpose Gives a Meaning to Your Life
Dr. Myles Munroe, the
Legendary Leadership Coach said, “The greatest tragedy of life is life without a purpose?” What’s your life purpose? Everything on earth was made for a reason and it’s that reason that gives it meaning and significance!
Your purpose in life is
what gives meaning to your life!
2. Purpose Gives you A Sense of Worth and
The greatest desire of
every human being on earth today is a sense of value, importance and
significance. People are doing all sorts of things to feel important. People
are in various careers because they are seeking fame, significance and
The good news is that
you don’t have to seek fame! You don’t have to seek recognition! You don’t have
to seek significance!
All you have to do is to find your life’s purpose and
your purpose will give you a sense of worth, meaning and significance! That’s
the power of purpose!
3. Purpose Shows you Your Area of
Excellence and Dominance in Life
Every human being on
earth was born to make an impact. We’re all born to make a difference! But the
fact that you have been born to make a difference doesn’t necessarily mean that
you will make a difference with your life!
The key to making an
impact with your life is finding your life purpose. Your life purpose shows
your area of excellence and dominance.
When you find your
purpose, you find your area of excellence and as you focus on your area of your
excellence you find yourself making an impact with your life.
Purpose Helps you To Unleash the
Greatness within You
You see, the fact is
that you were born great! Please believe it! Like the way Les Brown, the
legendary motivational speaker says, “There’s greatness within you!” Please
believe it!
The greatness within
you is hidden in your purpose! It’s within your purpose that you can find the
greatness within you!
How do great people
become great?
Great people become
great by finding who they are, why they were born to this world, what gifts
they have been blessed with to give the world and focusing single mindedly on
serving more people and becoming the best they can be!
Purpose Gives you the Will to Leave and
Overcome all The Challenges of Life
Purpose produces
passion. And passion is the driving force of your life. Passion emanates from
purpose. It’s good to make a resolution. But the resolution that is produced by purpose is the greatest of all!
Friedrich said, “If your know the why, you can live any why". Your
“why”—your purpose—is the secret to your endurance, perseverance and your
persistence in life. It’s the very thing that makes you to endure all odds,
overcome all odds and becomes successful in life.
Purpose Helps you to Make Daily Decisions
Your decisions
determine your directions and your directions determine your destination. To
reach your goal and destination in life, it’s very important that you make the
right decisions.
Success is a cocktail
of things. Bill Gates, the richest man in the word was once asked, “How did you become the richest person in the world?” He responded, “I simply was at the right place, at the right time!”
In other ways, Bill
attributed his success to his decisions. The decisions you make today will
determine your destination tomorrow. The tool for making all of your life
decisions is your life purpose.
Everything that agrees
to it, you say "YES" to and everything that does not agree to it you say "NO" to
Purpose Sets you Apart and Make You
The power of purpose is
that it makes you unique and that uniqueness is what gives you an edge in life.
Purpose makes you unique. Purpose makes your career unique.
Purpose makes your
business unique and finally gives you an edge to succeed in life!
The key to your success
is finding your life purpose and committing your whole life to fulfilling it.
Best Selling Author of Power of Purpose, Richard Lieder said, “The good news
is, purpose isn’t a grand concept for a gifted few but something each of us
already possesses, needing only be uncovered”
Find your life purpose,
live the life you were born to live and make a great impact with your life!
Thanks a million!